Rachel Pollock’s husband Jim Pollock was in the Schutz class of 1940 They served at Tanta Hospital
From Rachel’s son “Pollock, Howard J.” <[email protected]> Date: November 4, 2016 at 4:44:50 PM EDT
Dear Jean,
Forgive my tardiness in getting back to you. Rachel Pollock is in the Brownlee Health Center at the Presbyterian home. Her back pain is mitigated some with a cortisone shot and the use of Tylenol for her leg pain. Since it is all nerve related, her pain won’t get any better, but she has good days and some that are not so good. My three sisters and I with some of our family members moved everything out of her apartment in early October. Her address is slightly different:
1201 East Washington Street, Washington, IA, 52353.
There is no room number in the address. I’m guessing that she probably won’t be using her computer anymore as she doesn’t have the room for it, and since she hasn’t used it for so long she would have to relearn everything. She loves to receive snail mail from people, but she may not be able to respond very quickly.
Jean, please feel free to share this with other Egypt friends. Thank you for keeping everyone connected.