SERVE short term project led by Jack Jordan (Schutz Class of ’64 )last fall. This is the work that enables Jack performing the short term project planned in April of this year.
Transformational Volunteer Mission
610 644 3871 [email protected] SHORT TERM PROJECT REPORT
Jack Jordan went to Gambella with three main objectives, put up a water tank and plumb it to the guest house in Pokwo that David and Leah Preston led making last May and June, make playground equipment for two preschools at the request of Rev. Ding Gach (head of the Western Gambella Synod), and go to Dembi Dollo to check into needed roof repairs for the school there.
But as happens sometimes in these projects, nothing went as planned. He started by trying to build the playground equipment. He developed some designs using
metal parts requiring a welder to make strong equipment. Locating
the welder, generator, and needed cabling took a while.
For instance the generator was at Pokwo. But due to bad weather, it was very difficult to get there and retrieve it. The equipment that was finally located and ready for use is shown in the photo. Then getting the materials delivered took much longer than anticipated. The parts had to come from Addis Ababa. But due to heavy rains, the roads were washed out. So the first metal parts didn’t arrive for a week with all the materials coming later.
Fortunately he was able to repair a motor for a boat used in getting to Pokwo to retrieve the generator.
He did make seven much needed beds for students in the Jordan Bible School. This could be done
since the first metal parts to arrive were angle irons. See some of the beds in the photos. Note that the goats also liked the beds. He also made several tables. One was an altar table for a new church.
He was able to make one piece of playground equipment, a teeter-totter, since metal pipes for this equipment were late in arriving.
Due to a variety of issues, he was unable to install the water supply system in Pokwo. The needed water tank was found to be safely stored in Addis. It was not possible to get the tank transported to Gambella in time for Jack to get it up to Pokwo in the existing poor weather conditions.
And due to issues between some of the tribes, it was unsafe to travel to Dembi Dollo. So he was unable to evaluate the needs there.
Planning is underway to complete all these activities this year, possibly in April.
A variety of activities were performed to help the local Nuer people. This included things such as sharpening axes, hoes and machetes to help them in their preparation for gardening in their dry season.
SERVE is incorporated in Pennsylvania as a 501c(3) non-profit organization by the IRS. Donor gifts are tax-deductible No gifts or services are received from donations to SERVE

Jack was blessed to spend a lot of his spare time with the Nuer couple shown, Sarah and Rev. Paul Gatluak. Paul is a US citizen teaching in the Jordan Bible School. It’s marvelous how the Lord watched over him while there.
It’s also wonderful that he was able to attend a church service with about 700 Nuer members where communion was served and was able to mingle with the people after the service.
God Bless:
Arnold Reinikka SERVE Project Director