From: Leah Preston <[email protected]> Subject: Surrender yourself to the Lord: Date: January 20, 2017 at 1:15:52 AM EST
Leah Down Under!
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Surrender yourself to the Lord, and wait patiently for him. Psalm 37:7 (GWT).
Twenty five years ago my Dad came to Australia to visit us after my mother died and was waiting on the Lord to see what he could do in ministry without Mom. Twenty five years later I am on the same journey waiting on the Lord to see how I can serve without Dave at my side. Praise the Lord that He was with my Dad and is still with me on our journeys to new ways to serve.
I arrived in Australia January 2, after losing a day while traveling on the plane. My first stop was Sydney where I stayed with a friend who worked in Mozambique with us. We hiked, road trains, and ferries around the Sydney harbor. We also talked a lot and I was blessed to be able to help her by working with her to paint two rooms in her house.
From Sydney she drove me south to Wollongong where I meet up with friends from our days in Darwin, it had been 25 years since I had seen them. It was wonderful to pick up our relationship where we left off so many years ago and share with each other just what God had done and was going in our lives.
I am now at Kangaroo Grounds where SIL/WBT Australia has their center. What a privilege to see so many friends who we worked with in Darwin over 25 years ago. I am also making lots of new friends who are seeking ways to go out and serve the Lord around the world. My goal while I am here is to surrender myself to the Lord and follow His leading day by day.
Wild birds stop by for a visit.
Enjoying the beauty of the land Down Under. I praise God for all his blessings that I am enjoying.
We see lots of kangaroos as we take our walks each evening.
Painting at my friends house.