by Karen Ezell | Aug 31, 2017 | News from Jean, News from Schutzites
Hi Jean, John and I went to visit Harvey Hoekstra in Escondito, CA and got a picture. He is the father of Denny, Jim, and Dave, Mark and Paul and Carol Hoekstra who all went to Schutz except maybe Paul the youngest. He is 96 like my mom. We had a short but good visit...
by Karen Ezell | Jun 29, 2017 | 1924-1933, News from Jean, News from Schutzites
From: Jean Isteero – [email protected] Jean went to Egypt in 1963 and taught at American School for Girls. She married Rev. Dr. Albert Isterro in 1964. In May 2011 a group of friends of the late Dr. Martha A. Roy (Schutz Class of 1932) went to see her grave...
by Karen Ezell | Jun 21, 2017 | 1964-1973, News from Jean, News from Schutzites
Dear Prayer Warriors, Praise the Lord!!! I just got off the phone with John. He is doing well but asking for the strength to finish the task. The church they are building is a Baale church and the people of the village are hosting him so well with food and working...
by Karen Ezell | Jun 21, 2017 | 1964-1973, News from Jean, News from Schutzites
At first I thought a spider had bitten me…this was last Friday night (7days ago). My physician Dr. Girala also thought so but now believes I have Shingles (Herpes due to Chicken Pox I got when a child… getting Vaccinated is important…please check with your...
by Karen Ezell | Jun 5, 2017 | 1964-1973, News from Jean, News from Schutzites
Dear Family and friends Though as yet I have rather sketchy details, I am thrilled to share what I know. Colton Jamison Musser entered his external world at 7:25 AM May 25, 2017 I hope to fly up to Boston the end of July or first week in August to enjoy the Jamison...
by Karen Ezell | Jun 5, 2017 | 1954-1963, News from Jean, News from Schutzites
FORGIVENESS — I am sharing a reply I received from Lloyd when I asked about seeing him at the reunion. I appreciated hearing his sermon and passing it on for others to hear. Jean Just one man’s opinion, but this is a great way to share news. I especially enjoyed the...