Occasionally I post emails from Jean Stultz. Many people send news to her so that she can spread the news through her extensive email list. I also want you to know that you can post new on this website. It saves a few steps and allows friends to directly correspond with you about your post.
The following is a compilation of several emails:
From: “David Allen” <[email protected]>
Date: February 25, 2015 9:19:24 AM EST
My mother, Mildred Heasty Allen, passed on this past Sunday evening. All four of us children had been notified Wednesday that we needed to come and were able to be with her at her bedside. The child of missionaries in the southern Sudan, she and her brother
Alfred both attended Schutz in the 1930s. Many of the people she considered lifelong friends were classmates at Schutz. David Allen
(Mildred Heasty Allen Schutz Class of 1940 – attended 1933-1937)
From: John and Gwen Haspels <[email protected]>
Subject: Prayer Warriors
Date: February 26, 2015 4:13:48 PM EST
Good news!! Gwen is scheduled for surgery on Wed. march 4th at 2 pm. thank you all for your prayers. We appreciate it so much and will let you know how it goes.
John has a dr. appointment on Tuesday the 3rd in Wichita so we’ll do that and then go to Kansas City and spend the night with Desta and Eric. Please pray for them also as a lot of things have happened this last week with icy weather and thieves trying to break in the car. Praise God for his protection.
My month of February Praising and Thanking God has gone ok but I have had moments of un-praise:) In the next two days i plan to lift each of you recieving this e-mail up to the throne of God in prayer and praise so if there is a specific need, please let me know. We love you all, Gwen
From: [email protected] Subject: Ken Nolin Date: February 26, 2015 3:00 PM
Karen Reinauer is the organist at the Claysville Church. I had sent her an e-mail about something else, and in her response to me she sent me the following about Ken. Thought I would send it on. You may already know this.
Hi Barbara,
Also, I wanted to let you know that Ken Nolin is in Washington Hospital with bronchitis. They’ll probably be taking him to Southmont (here in Washington) for rehab when he’s released from the hospital. His room number is 685A. Karen Reitnauer
From: Garber Sharon Herb <[email protected]> Subject: You’re doing fine! Date: February 22, 2015 9:10:16 PM EST
Thanks so much for the update, Jean. I really appreciate all you do to keep us in the loop.
We are getting through this cold weather the best we can. We are waiting for warmer weather. We have spent so much time at home in February. The snow always makes extra work for us. We dress in many layers for going out in the cold weather.
Calves continue to be born, even in the cold weather. So, I have my work cut out for me. Joel has been keeping the cows ready to have their calves in the barn. It warms up the barn…trying to keep the temperature above freezing. We have two heaters in the milking parlor, but over the cold weather Herb had to keep an extra one or two heaters in there. When he went inside and the temp was 27, he knew he was in trouble. Sometimes he has to thaw out the milkers before putting them on the cows.
Thanks again for keeping us posted. Love, Sharon Hoffmeier Garber (Schutz Class of ’64)
From: Ann Turnbull <[email protected]> Date: February 22, 2015 10:43:33 PM EST
Dear Jean,
I so appreciate the news you send on. Thanks for hanging in there and providing it all these years. I am a terrible correspondent but I so enjoy hearing about friends from Schutz and being able to pray for them.
The Turnbull family is doing well. We celebrated Mom’s 90th birthday in December. She received some wonderful notes and cards from people who knew her from Schutz. She really out did herself that day interacting with Janet, Lee, Nancy and I as we read through the memories from so many times in her life. She remembered those who wrote to her and thoroughly enjoyed the time of sharing. The next day she was exhausted and needed to sleep a lot for a few days but was able to remember that she had a wonderful birthday and that it was worth it! (She often surprises us with the short term things she actually remembers, often things we were hoping she’d forget!)
Lee and I gave Janet and her husband four weeks in a row so they could get a longer break from caregiving. Lee is currently caring for mom and I am going to Oregon this week to take over. Janet and Dennis are resting on the island of Molokai for a couple weeks and then visiting their 3 year-old granddaughter Lucy, and her parents Kyle and Haley. All of us enjoy Janet and Lee’s stories of their grand children’s antics during our weekly family conference call! Lee has 3 grandchildren in IA so he and Mel get to visit them often. Nancy fills us in on her middle school girl’s lives (Jenna & Abbie). It makes me feel very old when I think about the energy it must take to keep up with them!
I can’t believe I’ve been retired for two years already! I am busy at church being the moderator of the council in a year of transition in which we have searched for a pastor, said goodbye to a much loved interim minister who has been with us for two years and welcomed our new pastor. I also make regular trips to Oregon for care giving. Since Lee retired in July, he has been pitching in too.
Coleen keeps busy with her “three nineties.” She keeps track of her parents and our 91 year-old friend from church, dealing with medical issues, doctor appointments, communications and other care giving. She spent last summer moving Millie, out of her home and into a community setting where she is in independent living but will be able to have assisted living services when they are needed. It was a very challenging move because Millie is an admitted pack rat and did not want to depart with anything… but if she had to, it needed to go to a good home! Even when Coleen tried to throw some things away, she went through the trash and rescued stuff. I am awed by Coleen’s patience, dedication and persistence! Coleen’s mom has had some good months health-wise. Although she remains on hospice care due to congestive heart failure, we are thankful for the consistent care for all her medical issues that have given her an unexpectedly improved quality of life. Her dad is enjoying the social aspects of living in community rather than isolated on the farm.
Thank you Jean for being there and the wonderful contributions you make to keeping Schutz people connected.
Love,Ann Turnbull (Schutz Class of ’70)
From: McFarland Penny John <[email protected]> Subject: Getting your email Date: February 23, 2015 11:53:11 AM EST
I love receiving your forwarded email about Schutz folks and other missionaries. It really keeps me up to date with a lot of folks that I would not hear from. Your labor of love is very appreciated.
We are doing well in DE and have only had to shovel snow a few times. Now it is bitter cold – and I continue to cook dinner for my grandkids and extended family 3 times a week. John and I will be flying to Alabama to visit Chad, Kristie, and their 3 kids for Easter. We will fly down with Lisa, Saagar, and the triplets. Nashville is 100 miles from their house so we will fly there and rent a van.
Our son Clint and his wife, Amanda, are in the process of moving from MA to N C. They have had over 120 inches of snow and are ready to head south. We are praying for a buyer for their house – the snow needs to melt so the new owners can see it. It is a charming 1910 Craftsman house with wonderful wood work and lovely windows and a great front porch. Looking forward to spring and sunny skies.
Thanks for all the emails……..Penny Pollock McFarland (Schutz Class of ’60)
From: Lloyd Hulit <[email protected]> Subject: Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR Date: January 8, 2015 11:27:04 PM EST
Dear Jean,
The story about the roof board from your garage was amazing. Good for your dad for recycling long before it was popular, and what a wonderful surprise for you in 2014. Most importantly, what a great reminder of your dad and what he meant in your life. Those little treasures mean so much more to us when we are a few decades down the path of life. And. . . yes I can easily “imagine (you) being creative.”
I know I mention this every time I contact you, but it warrants repetition. Thank you so much for keeping all Schutzites connected. Because of your efforts, I was able to reach out to Peter Parr last year and to John and Chuck Haspels this year. I am amazed, of course, that they have all aged so much while I’m the same 17-year-old you knew in 1963, but “age” really is just a biological nuisance when it comes to personal connections, and I have loved reading about what these “old” friends have done with their lives. . . so much productivity for the world and for God’s work from the people, including you, I knew at Schutz.
I definitely agree that my dream extended to every day would be most wonderful, but when I’m burdened by the inhumanity of people towards other people every day in the news, I would be joyful to see us live that dream just one day. Who knows. . . If we did it one day, it might really get good to us, and we might decide that the better pathway through life is marked by love, compassion, forgiveness, understanding, tolerance, acceptance, cooperation, etc., etc.
Please continue to be an active presence in the lives of the kids of Schutz who loved you then and love you now. Happy New Year!!